Friday, November 24, 2006

Real nice

Okay, this is great and it's free and it helps people and trees and animals and everything else.
The Hunger Site
You just click on that big ol' button there in the middle of the page and it donates some money to organizations that provide food to underpriviledged people all over the place. For reals. That's it. You can do it every day, too.
There are six sites tabbed on that page; each one provides a different service that you can support by clicking the respective big ol' buttons in the middle of the pages.
Also, that comic strip I mentioned a few entries ago? Get Your War On? Well, dude has two books out, and all the author royalties go to a mine-sweeping team in Afghanistan.
In my opinion, this is the best thing going. Ruthless, hilarious, angry as hell, filthy, progressive,'s got it all. Great idea for Christmas gifts, no? Great idea of Christmas gifts YES. For instance, grandma would love these jazzy little numbers:

So there you go. Two good causes. Word.


Blogger Jeans Pants said...

I will be clicking everyday =0)

1:33 AM  
Blogger the_pope_of_chilitown said...

Hell yes, that guy's the best. There's a string of comics near the beginning where Voltron is hanging out in his office. Pretty off the hook.

9:55 PM  

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