Monday, April 19, 2010

Once more with feeling

The last entry I wrote for this blog was when my grandma had a stroke; that was July 2008. Since then, predictably, a lot has changed. The main change is that I've moved from Seattle to New York.

I had imagined that when I last wrote that entry, it would be the final one for The Pope of Chilitown blog. I felt it had run its course, and if I ever came back to blogging I would just choose another blog title and start over. I even chose a few names, Simpsons-based just like The Pope of Chilitown: Some Magic Animal, and Quality Side.

So why resurrect this blog now, after almost two years? For an answer, I'll turn to another Simpsons' reference: I'm a lazy, lazy man.

So here I am. The main reason I'm trying to get blogging again is because I've been studying Web marketing, SEO, etc., for professional development, and having a blog is a good way to practice some things. I really need to build my own website, but... see above.

So we'll see. My old practice was to write epic posts every few weeks/months. Now, I'm going to try to post shorter entries, but more often. Some things I will almost certainly post about include sports, movies, television, music... random links and videos and maybe some books or something. We shall see.


Blogger David Marriott, Jr. said...

So glad you are blogging again, pal. Are you coming to Seattle anytime soon? Hit me up in an e-mail...

1:48 PM  

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