The last entry I wrote for this blog was when my grandma had a stroke; that was July 2008. Since then, predictably, a lot has changed. The main change is that I've moved from Seattle to New York.
I had imagined that when I last wrote that entry, it would be the final one for The Pope of Chilitown blog. I felt it had run its course, and if I ever came back to blogging I would just choose another blog title and start over. I even chose a few names, Simpsons-based just like The Pope of Chilitown: Some Magic Animal, and Quality Side.
So why resurrect this blog now, after almost two years? For an answer, I'll turn to another Simpsons' reference: I'm a lazy, lazy man.
So here I am. The main reason I'm trying to get blogging again is because I've been studying Web marketing, SEO, etc., for professional development, and having a blog is a good way to practice some things. I really need to build my own website, but... see above.
So we'll see. My old practice was to write epic posts every few weeks/months. Now, I'm going to try to post shorter entries, but more often. Some things I will almost certainly post about include sports, movies, television, music... random links and videos and maybe some books or something. We shall see.