Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Librarians, Guns, and Money

So this is some great news: Laura Bush is going to the Middle East this month to promote... are you ready? Treatment of breast cancer!

Isn't that just the grooviest? Cause we all know how high on the list breast cancer is of the things that might kill a woman living in the Middle East right now. I have a feeling that a lot women in Iraq or Lebanon would be pleased as punch to live long enough to have the privilege to die of breast cancer.

Mrs. Bush should maybe try promoting "treatment of getting blowed to bits by an IED*." Or perhaps "treatment of getting shot at your daughter's wedding by American paramilitary troops."

The best part is that this trip is an attempt by the Bushes to "improve their image in the Arab world." They're sending in the big guns! When all else fails, call in the librarians!

I hear the next goodwill tour is going to feature Lynn Cheney in East Africa, talking about the medical concerns associated with obesity.

*"What's the difference between an IUD and an IED?"

"One kills Chinese babies; the other kills Iraqi babies!"

We also would have accepted, "Whoa, catch me having sex with your daughter again."



Blogger Amboy Observer said...

Maybe a little seminar on how to avoid Blackwater bullet-spray by running in zig-zag fashion, away from the U.S. Diplomat?

Great stuff, as always.

7:15 AM  

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