Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Thoughts from an evening at the University of Washington

As I was walking across campus to class tonight I saw a homeless man pushing a shopping cart towards me... it was deep into campus, at least a quarter mile from any outlet onto the main streets and uphill, and this guy's cart was stacked high with his belongings. You don't usually see guys like that with the super loaded carts that far into campus, but he'd made the trek for some reason.

He was pushing his cart away from another homeless guy... this guy had a sort of backpack hanging down in front, like a baby bjorn but full of god knows what... and he was yelling, alone, speaking in tongues even, just babbling to himself really loudly. It appeared that the first guy, the guy with the shopping cart, was leaving him behind. He kind of looked at me as if to say, "damn man, this guy is nuts even for ME." It was an interesting encounter.

Then in class, the lecturer made some comment about Sheboygan... traveling there for some reason or another, not that he was going but as a funny city name to drop in the middle of class or this guy is DRY, and his subject is DRY (Introduction to Computer Software User Assistance, yikes), so it's really hard to pay attention to what he's talking about. I literally couldn't focus on what he was saying, what his PowerPoint slide show was slide-showing me, anything... but the positive aspect of this is that it's super easy to daydream through a whole class. In any case, his mentioning of Sheboygan started me off on a whole mental tangent... what's that? You want me to share it with you? Okay, okay. It's late but I have a few minutes.

You can take the boy out of Sheboygan, but you can't take the Sheboygan out of the boy

This, for reasons that shall remain safely in my own head for the time being, spawned the following math equations to test the validity of my theorum:

boy-Sheboygan= -Shegan

And then my favorite Hall n' Oats song, "She's Gone," started going through my head. THAT'S what happens when you take the boy out of Sheboygan, I guess.


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